How You Get There Matters


Seeing a completed project is always rewarding - it’s one of the things that keeps me going, but I don’t finish a project every day. Often, how I get there is as important as the result. I love the design process and I deeply value being involved in all the phases of a project. I believe that continuous, active involvement in a project as it grows and changes is one of the things that makes me a better designer - I have earned a deep appreciation and understanding of how space evolves and I understand the interconnected nature of every decision made along the way.

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Oftentimes before there is a project, there is only an idea. Being able to convey the essence of an idea efficiently and effectively is the only thing that matters at this stage, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of making impactful, easy ways to understand big ideas.



Due diligence. Planning. These things matter, and they are the basis of good design. Every project has its challenges and constraints which need to be fully explored and understood before anything else can move forward; good planning up front allows for design challenges to become an integral part of the design rather than a blight, and helps mitigate surprises later.

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Design direction can be explored in a number of ways; sometimes it comes down to knowing what kind of media best suits the spirit of the project and proceeding accordingly. Being open to exploring different methods of idea-generation has granted me flexibility and a broad understanding of what is possible.

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3D exploration is one of my strongest skills and preferred design tools. We as humans experience space in three dimensions; it only makes sense that we design this way as well. The ability to quickly model and explore spatial relationships, detailing, and even finish selections has proven invaluable not only to my own understanding of space, but as a tool to help others understand it as well.

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Thoughtful detailing is what elevates great design. I really enjoy this part of the design process - documenting not only the overall plan, but the details as well. From intricate, highly specific door schedules to custom millwork construction, everything has a transition, an interaction, or a unique condition that requires consideration. This is the final step in planning ahead, and knowing how everything should come together at this stage can save time and frustration in the field.


Follow Through

A project’s ultimate success can be heavily determined by the level of cooperation and communication that is fostered with the team responsible for building it. I have found that openness, responsiveness, and availability are key to building this relationship. Site visits, submittal review, and regularly scheduled meetings keep information flowing and the project moving.